I know I've only been alive for 18 years and 6 almost 7 months but i haved learned several things about life.
1. You meet a lot of interesting people, whether it is at school, work, a party, church, where ever. The aplit second you meet or even see this person who already have an opinion on them and they have an opinion on you. That opinion may change with time but really most don't. What ever this opinion is is a way you than define yourself, therefore because you met this person you have defined something in you. People will always leave an impression on you whether good or bad. They change you just because you met them. Each person is different, and therefore we should not jugde, but because of our human nature we do and this is how we learn of jealousy, greed, discrimination, hope, charity, kindness. We set goals whether conscious or not, just by meeting or being around a person. Who you are friends with can define you.
2. Life is not fair. Plain and simple. Everything happens by a consiquence to a choice or just because. There are things we cannot control and we have to deal with that, learn to live and find a lesson in what happens. Better ourselves because the world is only getting worse.
3. Family is so very important. Families are forever and eternal. I can't imagine a world without families, let alone an eternity without familes. It would be chaos, literally. When everything is against you, they are your allies, your support system. They only way to completely destroy this world is to destroy families.
4. Truth is eternal. Truth can't die. Truth cannot be bent. Truth is truth.
5. Like family, love is eternal. Love is strong and powerful. I know this sounds like a cliche but its truth (refer to number 4). When you love someone you will do anything for them.
I have loads more but these are important ones. It gives you something to think about.
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