Saturday, December 26, 2009

The real reason for the season

Recently I met a lady who really made a point on the Christmas season.  She and her family had stopped giving gifts when her kids grew up and now they go and do things as a family instead.  She said she 'doesn't have to worry about the waiting in lines, worrying about what gifts to give, and doesn't have to deal with the "me. me. me." people in this country'.  She remembers the real reason we celebrate this season and that would be the birth of God's son in this world and the miracle it was.  She also believes that it is about the other holidays of other religions as well.  We should not have to worry about offending someone by saying Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays.  We should be caring and giving instead of thinking only of ourselves.  Giving is not rushing into stores and fighting over something for someone else for Christmas.  It is not getting angry at the clerks if something is out of stock or not marked the right sale price.  It is not waking up and wanting everything you asked for.  It is the thought of the gifts, homemade or otherwise.  It is the fact that you try to think of something you know someone will love and being able to give it to them and seeing their faces light up at the sight of it.  I wish everyone in the world a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.  Let us try to have peace in our homes and in our lives.  Let us think of others first.  Let us try to be a better friend and neighbor to those who are less fortunate as well as a better friend in general.  Let us be kind and loving to our families.  Let us be this way not once a year but all the days of our lives.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

What is going on in my head?

I feel so confused about my life.  I seem to be watching as the world go by.  I feel stuck.  Work is fine, school is fine and almost over,  socially everythings great, even perfect.  I have nothing to complain about, but yet I feel so empty and unfufilled.  I don't know whats wrong or why I feel this way.  I love my life and everyone in it.  I am not mad at anyone.  I love my friends and family and I am very grateful for them.  I can't imagine my life without them.  But again why do I feel this way?  What do I do?  Ugh!!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

What is truth?

What is truth, when everyone believes that what they say is right? How can we be happy if we do not know the truth about life, love, and God? We have truth, yes. We know the answers to the timeless questions, and we know we can have eternal happiness if we trust in God. But oh how trust waivers because of the trickiness of the natural man and of the cunning liar, the devil himself. He has made the faith and trust of man falter and fails and instead put the idea of self-interest and greed into their weak hearts. Yet God is all powerful and has more power than the Fallen Angel. God knows the heart of his children and loves each of them. Such love no man can yet understand, but close is a mother’s love to her children. The division of truth and lies is thinning and many lies include truth in them. White and Black mesh into gray to the minds of the natural man, but it is not truly that way, truth has not changed and will not change.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What the ...?

How can someone be mad at you for no reason that you know of and ignoring you and than the first thing they say to you is "i'm maddly in love with you".  Who does that?  I mean really.  If you are in love with me, why were you ignoring me in the first place.  And too bad that you know for a fact that I don't love you that way, that you are my friend but nothing more.  I care about you and trust you, but as a friend.  Sorry but your in the friend zone.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


To lose you would be like being in an endless and bloody war.  I am yours heart and soul.  Without you I would be stuck in endless torment, not living nor dying.  I am yours completely and fully for all eternity.  You are now my life, my love, my existence. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gone for two years

Its really depressing when you realize that your friends are gone for two years.  Guys I have seen everyday in high school, jr high, and elementary school are now gone around the country and the world serving the Lord.  A lot can happen in two years.  I am proud of them for going.  But also it makes you realize how old you are getting and how old you will be when they get back. 

Monday, November 9, 2009

Life goes up and down, its always changing. It is your mood that changes the direction. Don't let others decide or mood.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

GUYS ARE RUDE, SELFISH, PIG-HEADED IDIOTS! Well some guys are. I am grateful for the guys who are kind and smart gentlemen.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Grey's Anatomy

"Suprise parties are hostle.  They're dark, people jump out and scream at you.  They never come to any good."

Thursday, November 5, 2009

"Caught between Babel and Disneyland"

This is from a book I read called Jihad vs McWorld. I thought it was interesting and makes a lot of sense.
   "The first senerio rooted in race holds out the frim prospect of a retribalization of large swaths of humankind by war and bloodshed: a threatened balanization of nation-states in which cultue is petted against culture, people against people, tribe against tribe, a Jihadin the name if a hundred narrowly conceived faiths against every kind of interdependence, every kind of atifical social cooperation and mutality: against technology, agianst pop culture, and against intergrated markets; against modernit itself as well as the future in which midernity issues.  The second paints that future in shimmering pastels, a busy portrait of onrushing econimic, technological, and ecological forces that demand intergration and uniformity and fast food-MTV, Macintosh, and McDolnald's-pressing nations into one homogenous global theme park, one McWorld tied together by communications, information, entertainment, and commerce.  Caught between Babel and Disneyland, the planet is falling precipitously apart and coming reluctantly together at the very same moment.
    Some stunned observers noticed only Babel, complaining about the thousands newly sundered "peoples" who preferto address their neighbors with sniper rifles and mortars; others-zealots in Disneyland-seize on futurological platitudes and the promis of virtuality, exclaiming "It's a mall world after all!"  Both are right, but how can that be?"

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My biggest pet peeve is when an author ends a book with a cliff hanger as an ending. What the heck happens next? I mean come on!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I've decided that the guy i am going to marry needs to be able to play the piano and sing. Yep :-)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Growing up

People say that guys grow up with age. That they mature when they get into college or after their mission. That is so not true. They act the same as they did in junior high only they can drive, date, and are more intelligent (or they think they are more intelligent). They still say and do stupid things.

Now there are some who are the exception.

Also girls are immature too ao i'm not just dissing guys.  Its pretty annoying when you are surrounded by immature guys and girls.

The Notebook quotes

young Allie-"Say i'm a bird! Say it!"  young Noah-"Your a bird."  young Allie-"Now say your a bird"  Young Noah-"If your a bird, i'm a bird"

Young Noah-"I'm gonna ask you one more time, will you or will you not go out with me? I think my hand's slipping."  Young Allie-"OK, OK. Fine I'll go out with you."  Young Noah-"No, don't do me any favors."  Young Allie-"No, no I want to."  Young Noah-"Say it."  Young Allie-"I wanna go out with you."  Young Noah-"Say it again."  Young Allie-"I WANNA GO OUT WITH YOU!"  Young Noah-"All right, all right we'll go out."

[lying in the middle of the street] Young Allie-"What happens if a car comes?"  Young Noah-"We die."

Young Noah-"Get in the water."  Young Allie-"No! I'm scared."  Young Noah-"Get in the water, woman! Get in the water!"  Young Allie-[looks at him, puzzled]  Young Noah-[calmly] "No I'm sorry baby, please just get in." Young Allie-[hesitates]  Young Noah-[once his friends start yelling again] "GET IN THE WATER!"

Young Noah-"So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? 30 years from now, 40 years from now? What's it look like? If it's with him, go. Go! I lost you once, I think I can do it again. If I thought that's what you really wanted. But don't you take the easy way out."  Young Allie-"What easy way? There is no easy way, no matter what I do, somebody gets hurt."  Young Noah-"Would you stop thinking about what everyone wants? Stop thinking about what I want, what he wants, what your parents want. What do YOU want? What do you WANT?"  Young Allie-"It's not that simple."  Young Noah-"What... do... you... want? Whaddaya want?"  Young Allie-"I have to go now."

To try or not to try

Have you ever wanted to try something that was dangerous but exciting such as skydiving?  I really want to!  But at the same time I want to try other things that are just as exciting as going to other countries to teach english or explore.  There is so much I want to do with my life and yet I know that I won't be able to but I will try to do as many as I can.

Friday, October 30, 2009


I know I've only been alive for 18 years and 6 almost 7 months but i haved learned several things about life.

1. You meet a lot of interesting people, whether it is at school, work, a party, church, where ever.  The aplit second you meet or even see this person who already have an opinion on them and they have an opinion on you.  That opinion may change with time but really most don't.  What ever this opinion is is a way you than define yourself, therefore because you met this person you have defined something in you.  People will always leave an impression on you whether good or bad.  They change you just because you met them.  Each person is different, and therefore we should not jugde, but because of our human nature we do and this is how we learn of jealousy, greed, discrimination, hope, charity, kindness.  We set goals whether conscious or not, just by meeting or being around a person.  Who you are friends with can define you.

2. Life is not fair.  Plain and simple.  Everything happens by a consiquence to a choice or just because.  There are things we cannot control and we have to deal with that, learn to live and find a lesson in what happens.  Better ourselves because the world is only getting worse.

3. Family is so very important.  Families are forever and eternal.  I can't imagine a world without families, let alone an eternity without familes.  It would be chaos, literally.  When everything is against you, they are your allies, your support system.  They only way to completely destroy this world is to destroy families.

4. Truth is eternal.  Truth can't die.  Truth cannot be bent.  Truth is truth.

5. Like family, love is eternal.  Love is strong and powerful.  I know this sounds like a cliche but its truth (refer to number 4).  When you love someone you will do anything for them.

I have loads more but these are important ones.  It gives you something to think about. 

Scared sick

You know telling people that there is a pandemic probably isn't a good thing.  It starts to go to peoples head.  First it starts out as a joke like when ever someone coughed or sneezed someone would yell "Swine Flu" and it was funny, but then flu season starts to come around and now everyone is getting sick.  Some people have even made themselves sick because everyone else is sick, so they have to be.  They are so scared of getting the swine flu they mentally make themselves sick. Its rather ridiculus!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The reason why

So i am starting my blog again. Whoo hoo!!!! This may not be exciting to you as it is to me but I don't care. So the reason I am starting to blog again is because I need a place to write down my random thoughts, findings and frustrations. So this is it!